NLP & Sentiment Analysis
NLP & Sentiment Analysis
by Dillon Diatlo
Problem Statement
The objective of this project is to utilize Vectorization and Sentiment Analysis techniques to build a classification model that can accurately categorize which subreddit––r/running or r/Swimming––a user’s post belongs to. In doing so, I will:
- Find out which subreddit is less happy
- Use Natural Language Processing to build classification models that can accurately categorize Reddit posts
Data Dictionary
Feature | Type | Dataset | Description |
datetime | object | full | The date and time the reddit user posted in the format, Y-MM-DD, H:M:S |
all_text | object | full | The combined text of every post’s title and user’s post description |
subreddit | int | full | Binary categorization of subreddits r/running [0] and r/Swimming [1] |
sentiment | float | full | A number ranked between -1 and 1 suggesting the overall sentiment of the all_text copy |
post_word_count | int | full | The number of words in each individual all_text copy |
title_word_count | int | full | The number of words in each individual post title |
upper_count | int | full | The number of upper case letters found in individual all_text posts |
lower_count | int | full | The number of lower case letters found in individual all_text posts |
Executive Summary
Project Objective
Problem Statement: The objective of this project is to fit to accurately categorize Reddit posts into two separate subreddits, r/running and r/Swimming, based on word frequency and classification techniques.
Goals: The goals of this project are to analyze the subreddits r/running and r/Swimming in order to learn, based on sentiment analysis, which subreddit users are less happy, and then to build a classification model that can use post words to accurately predict which subreddit a post belongs to.
Project Methodology:
Data Collection:
- PRAW Reddit API
- r/running
- r/Swimming
- full.csv
full.csv is an accumulation of the following csv’s
- run feb 26.csv
- run feb 27.csv
- swim feb 26.csv
- swim feb 27.csv
Data Cleaning:
- Joined all csvs into a single csv
- Replaced NaN’s with empty strings and then combined title column and selftext column into a single column: all_text
- Turned created_utc column into processable dates and times
- Dropped weekly automatic r/Swimming rows
- Dropped extra columns and created columns to count uppercase, lowercase, and post/title words
- CountVectorized the all_text column for manipulation
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- Created a lemmatizer function and sentiment analysis function
- Found the top 10 and 25 most frequently used words, bigrams, and trigrams for both subreddits
- Explored the correlation between datetime and subreddit sentiment
- Explored the correlation between post/title word count and subreddit sentiment
- Explored the distribution of sentiment for posts within both subreddits
- Found the mean positivity of both subreddits
Modeling Techniques:
- Found my baseline accuracy of .45
- CountVectorizer paired with a Multinomial seemed to perform poorly
- RandomForest and Logistic Regression performed the best overall
- When paired with TfidVectorizer and a GridSearchCV, I found that both Logistic Regression and RandomForest performed better and well
- After adding in a lemmatizer and only seeing a slight change, I decided to take my nearly 97%
Key Findings:
Based on the analysis conducted, putting lemmatized data through a TfidVectorizer with my LogisticRegression model and fitting that to a GridSearchCV built the most accurate classification model at 96.8%. When looking at the confusion matrix, this performend just minimally better than non-lemmatized data through a TfidVectorizer and Randomforest, fit to a GridSearchCV.
r/runner users seem to be generally happier with a mean positve sentiment analysis of .55, compared to r/Swimming .31. This could mean swimmer are less happy, but can also mean swimmers are less concerned with accomplishmentmets like “finish lines” and “goals” and more concerned with technique.
There is a correlation between year and posting sentiment
All models outperformed my baseline of 45% accuracy.
Top 10 Words Being Used in r/running
Top 10 Bigrams Being Used in r/running
- Bigrams can give us more insight into context and what type of things users in r/running are talking about
- You can see here “half marathon”, “finish line”, and “feel like” are all emotionally driven bigrams, which could mean runners are more focused on accomplishment
Top 10 Trigrams Being Used in r/running
- Trigrams can give us even more insight into context and what type of things users in r/running are talking about
- You can see here r/runner users are very focused on goals and accomplishments
Top 10 Words Being Used in r/Swimming
Top 10 Bigrams Being Used in r/Swimming
- You can see here bigrams like “first time”, “tech suit”, and “any advice” which suggest r/Swimming users may be more focused on technique rather than accomplishment like r/running users
Top 10 Trigrams Being Used in r/Swimming
- You can see here Trigrams like like “does anyone know”, “would greatly appreciated” and “wa wondering anyone”, which suggest curiousity and advice-driven users in r/Swimming
- You may also notice “drive usp sharing”, “format pjpg webp” and other weird not-really-english ones. These are because there were many links in the content, which cna be further pre-processed and filtered out given more time
Average Positive Sentiment
- Sentiment analysis of user posts in r/running and r/Swimming suggested that, on average, user posts are .24 more positive than r/Swimming user posts
- This does not necessarily mean r/running users are happier, but as we previously saw it could be an indicator of what the two groups are posting about
r/Swimming: Distribution of Sentiment
- Distribution here is not normal, rather it’s left skewed with a bimodal curve
- The sentiment of most r/Swimming posts falls between ~ -.2 and 1, with high accumulations of post sentiment in those same points, suggesting user posts generally fall between neutral or positive
r/running: Distribution of Sentiment
- Distribution here is not normal, rather it’s left skewed
- Analysis of the distribution suggest most r/running user posts are positive, with the majority falling between ~.6 and 1.00
r/running: Year vs. Sentiment
- Here you can see a high accumulation of positive posts forming between 2020 and 2022, this correlates with the Covid-19 pandemic, a time when many people were beginning to run outside since gyms and facilities were closed
r/Swimming: Year vs. Sentiment
- Here you can see the same bimodal split with a heavy accumulation of neutral-sentiment posts and positive posts
Implications and Conclusion:
Tfidvectorizors, paired with LogisticRegression and GridSearchCV seem to work better using anything with a CountVectorizer as Tfidvectorizers represent term frequency and rarity across corpuses, so this paired with the best hyper parameters will result in a solid prediction. Better than a CountVectorizer which is just frequency and, therefore, may include a lot of less important words.
In terms of sentiment analysis, runners have a more positive sentiment. Based on ‘Top 10 r/running Trigrams’, they seem to be more accomplishment focused, concentrating on wins, goals, and races. These are all emotionally driven terms. At the same time, running has a lower barrier to entry than swimming. It’s something most of us can do intuitively. It’s therefore easier to start, practice, get better, try races, and more. Runners may not be happier, but they are more emotionally focused.
Comparatively, posts in r/Swimming are more neutral, as can be seen in the ‘Year vs Sentiment r/Swimming’ and the multi spikes in ‘Sentiment Distribution r/Swimming’ . Additionally, r/Swimming users seem to be less accomplishment focused and more imporovement focused. This can be seen in ‘Top 10 r/Swimming Bigrams’ with words like “any advice”, “first time”, “tech suit”, and “started swimming”.
Next Steps
Next steps are to begin narrowing down our variables to create a regression model that has a lower RMSE and can fit even better.
DATETIME - Models were based on post word frequency, though I wonder if we can get a better model if we also base it on datetime.
STEMMING - Data was run through a lemmatizer, though not a stemmer. We should go back and see if stemming effects our models at all.
FILTER - Swimming’s trigrams include many long, uninterpretable strings. Go back and create a stop word filter to filter out words longer than a certain length
PINPOINT USERS - If we are advertising happiness to sad users, we’ll need more than just the subreddit they look through. Let’s collect their user names and pinpoint them directly. We can also scrape their data and see where else they post and begin to build classes within our swimmer target audience.